AND Music Distribution

AND Music Distribution




AND music aims to create an industry leading music distribution platform, delivering maximum value at reasonable costs without unnecessary limits. So far the site is invite only while we grow, but visitors can register their interest and be notified when the platform is ready for more people.

An extensible CMS solution was developed for this site using Payload CMS, which allows for highly customisable content management for the page. The plan is to build upon this system when the blog grows in complexity. The CMS is linked to page rebuilds every time specific content is updated, so the site is always up to date. CMS is also responsible for automatic asset uploads to Cloudflare R2 storage. CMS data is stored on MongoDB Atlas so that data is kept synchronised between test versions of the CMS and the live version.

The site is designed with incredible efficiency due to the usage of the static site generator Astro. Extra care was taken to support mobile responsive layouts. The team is currently happy with the design of the site, and as more users join the platform, we will be able to gather feedback and improve the site further.

We at AND have more plans for the future, including an automatic release links generator, and a full fledged music distribution platform.

The team behind AND includes Nick, Aaron and I. We are all passionate about music and technology, and are excited to be working on this project together.

@ Davit Gogiberidze 2023